Core Values
A High View of God
We value the Triune God far above everything, for He is the most worthy and valuable being that exists. It is imperative to see Him as He really is, the Creator of everything and paragon of all virtue, the Almighty God, Father, Son and Holy Spirit. It is our utmost desire to glorify God by pursuing a high view of God. To know God and to love Him is the all-consuming passion of our lives. The continual proclamation of His character and nature is a fundamental element in our worship. In fact, this is the definition of worship, to ascribe worth to God and to see, comprehend, experience, and exalt the glory of God.
A High View of Scripture
We value the special revelation of God He has given us in His written Word, the Bible. Since the Holy Scriptures are in fact all sufficient, infallible, and inerrant, we seek to always have a high view of Scripture. The 66 books of the Christian Canon which make up the Holy Scriptures contain all that we need for life, faith, and godly living because they are true and divine revelation of God Himself. We therefore seek always to understand the Bible better and teach the Bible very clearly. Clear and expository Bible teaching is a fundamental element in our worship.
The Gospel
We value the Person and the Work of Jesus Christ, and this Gospel message of the Life, Death, and Resurrection of Jesus Christ is at the center of our worship. Christ’s perfect life of obedience to God’s Law, His atoning sacrifice, and Resurrection are the most important events in the history of creation, and the Gospel is the message of what He has accomplished for those who believe with repentant faith. The Gospel was the fulfillment of Christ’s work as our High Priest and the full payment for the redemption of mankind from his sins. In the Gospel we have the completed work of justification, which is available to us by grace alone, through faith alone, in Christ alone. The cross is central to the attitude of Christian living and the supreme example of God’s love to mankind. If there ever was an act of divine wonder to worship and glory in, it is the cross of Jesus Christ, who is Himself, being fully God and fully human, our supreme treasure!
Commitment to the Local Church
We value Church because it is central to all that Christ is doing in the world. Every Christian is baptized into the body of Christ, the universal Church, upon conversion by the Holy Spirit, and is called to live out his or her Christian life in a local assembly. The local church is the primary institution where Christian sanctification happens, where we live out the many “one another” commands with each other to glorify God thereby. Much of the New Testament is given to instructing Christians about how to be fruitful and effective worshipers in the local church. Therefore, we strive to model Heritage Christian Fellowship after the biblical standard, and nurture it to grow and build itself up in love, as each member uses their gifts for the strengthening of it. Christians must have strong affection for the local church, commit themselves to a specific local church, and consider the other members of the local church to be their family.
Progressive Sanctification
We value progressive Sanctification and personal holiness. Becoming like Christ is chief among our pursuits and the way we glorify God and enjoy Him. Sanctification is something we continually strive for so that we take on the character and likeness of Christ in our thoughts, words, and deeds. True saving faith in Christ brings about an obedience to God’s commandments which powerfully changes our lives. Bearing the fruit of the Spirit in our daily lives is our humble desire. This is the ministry of the Holy Spirit in sanctification, and our cooperation with Him is a central element of our worship. Humility and forbearing love are values of importance in our relation to God and to one another.
We value the ministry of discipleship within the body of Christ. This is the biblical method and divine example of true spiritual ministry within the church. The principles of fellowship, teaching, mentoring, spiritual authority and accountability are vital to the spiritual growth of Christians. We strive to form and equip mature disciples of Jesus Christ who will themselves become disciple makers. Through the mutual encouragement of discipleship and the expression of each of our own personal spiritual gifts, we seek to be effective and productive ministers of the Gospel. This is a vital part of the Christian life for all who seek to obey Christ.