

February 9, 2025 – Exposition of the Word

“Will You Be at the Banquet?”

  Luke 14:12-24

 Pastor-Elder Dave Knowles


Church-wide Fellowship Lunch – 02/09/25

Today is our monthly church-wide fellowship lunch following the morning worship service. Please bring food for your family and to share with others and plan to help with the set-up and clean-up.

Proclaim Youth Ministry – 02/14/25

Proclaim Youth Ministry will meet on Friday, February 14th, at 6:00pm at the Ferreri home. Hope to see you all then!


Communion – 02/16/25

We will celebrate communion next Sunday, February 16th. Please take time to prepare for this time of remembrance.

Women’s Ministry Dinner – 02/20/25

Our first monthly Women’s ministry Dinner of the year will be held on Thursday, February 20th, at 6:00pm, with dinner provided.  All women are welcome to attend.  Please provide for your own childcare.


Safety Team Training – 02/23/25

Heritage is looking for new safety team members, who will rotate between upstairs and downstairs. Safety Team members need to be 18 and over, a member of Heritage, and be willing to have a background check. Training will be held on Saturday, February 23rd right after the service. There is a sign-up sheet on the foyer table for anyone who is interested.


HCF Virtual Directory

In addition to releasing our paper HCF church directory, we are excited to launch our HCF digital directory today. If you are a member or regular attender, you will receive a personalized invitation by email after church to join the digital directory. The digital directory is a private place for the people of the church to share their contact information. Only people invited can share their information or view other households’ contact information. Joining our digital directory is voluntary. You can share as little or as much contact information that you are comfortable with. If you have any questions, you can ask Kristen Young or LuAnne Plugge.



Women’s Bible Study – 03/04/25

Connie Kelly will be teaching a Bible Study on John 13-17 based on Susan Heck’s “In the Upper Room.” Sessions will be Tuesday nights at 6:30 or Wednesday afternoons at 1pm in the fellowship hall. There is sign-up sheet on the foyer table. If you have any questions, please contact Connie. 


Secret Church – 04/11/25

Secret Church is a unique, one-night event that is streamed each spring to tens of thousands of participants around the world. Encouraged by our persecuted brothers’ and sisters’ example, we meet for close to 6 hours for intense study of God’s Word and passionate prayer for the persecuted. We will also learn more about individual persecuted churches around the world. Please join us for this special event! There is a sign-up sheet on the foyer table to be a host home or attend.



HCF Camp Adventurer Family Camp – Save the Date – 06/12/25 – 06/15/25

HCF Camp Adventure will be held at El Porvenir Christian camp on Thursday-Sunday, June 12th-15th. This is a wonderful time to enjoy the great outdoors of NM in the beautiful Pecos Wilderness with your church family. Stay in single family cabins with bunk beds and your own bathroom. Enjoy delicious meals provided by camp staff. Worship our Lord through song and teaching of His Word. Participate in activities like hikes, archery, archery tag, climbing wall, disc golf, volleyball, basketball, fishing, family games, and more. Additional information will be available in the coming weeks.