
Quick, easy, and safe online giving

With online giving you can easily and quickly send donations to Heritage. Simply click on one of the buttons below and follow the instructions. We use Paypal, however, you don’t need to have an account to use this service, just a valid credit card number.



Why donate online? Is it safe? See the Q&A below for the answers to these and other questions about contributing online.

Q: Why should I give to the Church?

A: Giving to the local church is an important and joyful aspect of worship that every believer in Christ is called to take part in.

Q: Why make a contribution online?

A: The online contribution is set up to make it easier to donate to Heritage Christian Fellowship. It is for your convenience.

Q: Is donating online safe?

A: Heritage Christian Fellowship has teamed up with PayPal to provide you with a safe, secure environment for online contributions. PayPal is a leader in the industry of online payments and has guarantees the safety of your transaction.

Q: Does my contribution go directly to Heritage Christian Fellowship?

A: Yes. Your contribution goes directly to Heritage Christian Fellowship. PayPal simply processes the transaction for us.

Q: Can I make an anonymous contribution online?

A: Unfortunately it is difficult to make an anonymous contribution online. For your security PayPal must verify your identity.

Q: Can I get a tax receipt for my contribution?

A: Yes! Heritage Christian Fellowship is a 501(c) Not for profit corporation and is exempt from Federal income tax. To have a tax receipt sent to you, please include a shipping address when you make your contribution.