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1st and 2nd Thessalonians
(September 2009 – March 2011) Listen to Pastor Shaan Sloan preach the Word, as recorded from his 9:30am Sunday School Lessons at Heritage Christian Fellowship. Pastor Shaan’s 2009-2010 topic is 1st and 2nd Thessalonians.
Messages: 55

Quiet Lives and Hope for the Dead
Shaan Sloan

Christians and Sexual Immorality
Shaan Sloan

Abstain from Sexual Immorality
Shaan Sloan

Commandments in Christ’s Authority
Shaan Sloan

Christian Persecution, Pt. 2
Shaan Sloan

Judaism and Hostility Towards God
Shaan Sloan

Christian Persecution
Shaan Sloan

The Word of God
Shaan Sloan

The Word of God Which Works In You
Shaan Sloan

Christian Leadership Exemplified
Shaan Sloan

Delivered From a Wrath to Come
Shaan Sloan