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calendar_today July 8, 2018 - July 30, 2017

Minor Prophets

Messages: 28

The Successful Basis of Justice

person Jeremy Menicucci
view_list Minor Prophets
calendar_today October 15, 2017
menu_book Nahum 3:1-19
location_on Sunday Worship

The Sanctifying Benefits of Justice

person Jeremy Menicucci
view_list Minor Prophets
calendar_today October 8, 2017
menu_book Nahum 2:1-13
location_on Sunday Worship

The Surprising Blessing of Justice

person Jeremy Menicucci
view_list Minor Prophets
calendar_today October 1, 2017
menu_book Nahum 1:1-15
location_on Sunday Worship

The Ways of the Lord are Right

person Tim Maxwell
view_list Minor Prophets
calendar_today September 24, 2017
menu_book Hosea 11:1-14:9
location_on Sunday Worship

It is Time to Seek the Lord

person Tim Maxwell
view_list Minor Prophets
calendar_today September 17, 2017
menu_book Hosea 6:1-11:5
location_on Sunday Worship

Hear This! Give Heed! Listen!

person Tim Maxwell
view_list Minor Prophets
calendar_today September 10, 2017
menu_book Hosea 4:1-5:15
location_on Sunday Worship

As the Lord Loves

person Tim Maxwell
view_list Minor Prophets
calendar_today September 3, 2017
menu_book Hosea 3:1-5
location_on Sunday Worship

I Will….They Will

person Tim Maxwell
view_list Minor Prophets
calendar_today August 27, 2017
menu_book Hosea 2:1-23
location_on Sunday Worship

God is Faithful

person Tim Maxwell
view_list Minor Prophets
calendar_today August 20, 2017
menu_book Hosea 1:1 - 2:1
location_on Sunday Worship
calendar_today August 13, 2017
menu_book Habakkuk 3:1-13
location_on Sunday Worship
calendar_today August 6, 2017
menu_book Habakkuk 2:2-20
location_on Sunday Worship

Wrestling With God and Asking Him WHY!

person Shaan Sloan
view_list Minor Prophets
calendar_today July 30, 2017
menu_book Habakkuk 1:1 - 2:1
location_on Sunday Worship